Sunday, August 19, 2012

Happy Birthday to One Amazing Man!

August 21st marks the 85th birthday of the beloved prophet of my church. President Thomas S. Monson is such an amazing man! It's had to describe how much I love him. Everytime this man speaks in conference or a fireside, he just happens to say exactly what I need to hear. He is truly inspired and I know he is called of God.

On Friday night the church held a celebration in his honor. It was a concert at the conference center with many amazing artists and The Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I was lucky enough to get tickets and so were my parents! So Brady, my parents, his mom, his brother, and his little sister all came to the concert.

We rode up with my parents and had dinner with them at Kneader's before the show. And then we went to the Cheesecake factory with Brady's family after. We were not planning on eating with them. We were just going to ginormous salad and one slice of cheesecake later.....we were stuffed....and Brady and I split the food. haha! It was just too hard to resist the yumminess. I can't wait to go back to that restaurant. It was a good/bad night on the food front. ;)

Some of my favorite moments of the concert were when:
1) Rebecca Luker sang All I Ask of You from Phantom of The Opera.
2) Dallin Vales Bayles sang Bring Him Home from Les Miserables.
3) President Uchtdorf and  President Eyering offered up tributes to President Monson.
4) Let's just say I enjoyed the entire night. It was so great! There wasn't a single moment that I didn't enjoy.

I'm so grateful that President Monson has been a part of my life. He is such an amazing man and I look up to him and his family so much. I'm grateful for his sacrifice to spend his life serving our church and our Heavenly Father. I'm grateful for the inspiring messages and lessons he always shares with the members of the church, and with me.

I just hope he will be around for a long time. It's hard to imagine time without President Monson. This is one amazing man. Happy Birthday. I know that because of him, my life has been more than just peachy.

Brady and I after the concert with the SLC temple behind us. It was such a great evening. 

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